Arizona Knights of Rizal
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About Us

Organized in 2008, we are a chapter in the State of Arizona, USA, of the global Order of the Knights of Rizal. The Order was setup

by Republic Act No. 646 of the Philippine Congress.

Independently, we are an Arizona non-profit corporation with 501(c)(3) accreditation with the United States Internal Revenue Code.

As such, AZKOR, Inc. (Arizona Knights of Rizal, Inc) is a positive contribution of Filipino-Americans in Arizona to the enrichment

of the communities where we live.

We exist to keep alive and afresh the ideals and principles of Dr. Jose Rizal, national hero of the Philippines. These noble ideals seek

the full fruition of human potentials giving rise to self-respect and respect for others.

As a non-profit, we pursue charitable, scientific, educational and literary purposes

Arizona Knights of Rizal, Inc.
An Arizona Non-Profit Corporation 
A Chapter of the Order of the Knights of Rizal
Motto: Non Omnis Moriar  

Founder/Organizer: Sir Tom Rodriguez, KGOR, USA Regional Commander for 2012-2014
AdviserSir Edwin D. Bael, KCR, Former Philippine Consul General in Los Angeles

EXECUTIVE POSITIONS     2008-  2010                                     2010 -2012                                   2012-2014
Commander                   Sir Dr. Conrado R. Ballecer, Jr. MD    Sir Emmanuel Torres                       Sir Dr. Herminio P. Mendoza,Jr. MD
Deputy Commander         Sir Emmanuel Torres                      Sir Dr. Herminio P. Mendoza, Jr. MD   Sir Dr. Efren Martin
Chancellor                     Sir Rudy Lim                                 Sir Jacinto Marquez, MD                  Sir Rene Borromeo
Pursuivant                     Sir Dr. Vic O. Enciso, MD                Sir  Rene Borromeo                         Sir Warren Cruz
Exchequer                     Sir Frank Rosales                           Sir Frank Rosales                           Sir Rudy Sanchez
Archivist                       Sir Dr. Herminio P. Mendoza, Jr. MD   Sir Dr. Vic Enciso, MD                     Sir Dr. Roberto Sebastian, MD
Auditor                         Sir Dr. Bernabe Rodriguez                Sir Urso Penalosa                           Sir Rafael Ablao,Jr.
Deputy Pursuivant          Sir Urso Penalosa                           Sir Rudy Sanchez                           Sir Rudy Lim
Deputy Exchequer          Sir Marcelino Catuira                      Sir Bernabe Rodriguez                Sir Randolph Rodriguez
Trustee                         Sir Roberto Sebastian                     Sir Warren Cruz                             Sir Frank Rosalez

EXECUTIVE POSITIONS    2014 - 2016                                      2016 - 2018
Commander                   Sir Warren Cruz                                  Sir Jun Saez
Deputy Commander         Sir Romeo Balasta                              Sir James Campbell
Chancellor                     Sir Rene Borromeo                              Sir Rene Borromeo
Pursuivant                     Sir Jerry Manuel                                 Sir Jerry Manuel
Exchequer                     Sir Rafael Ablao, Jr.                             Sir Rafael Ablao, Jr.
Archivist                       Sir James Cox                                    Sir Romeo Balasta
Auditor                         Sir Ruben Reventar                             Sir Monte Tabamo
Deputy Exchequer          Sir Rudy Sanchez                                Sir Frank Rosales
Deputy Pursuivant          Sir Jaime Del Mundo                            Sir James Cox
Trustee                        Sir Bart Gannon                                  Sir Sam Buot
Trustee                        Sir Frank Rosales                                Sir Francis Clamor
Trustee                        Sir Rudy Lim                                       Sir Rodolfo Sanchez
Trustee                                                                                  Sir Ricardo Torno

Term of Office starts on July 1 of the beginning year and ends on June 30 of the second year.

2008 - 2010                   Sir Judge Tom Rodriguez, Sir Edwin Bael     
2010 – 2012                        Sir Judge Tom Rodriguez, Sir Edwin Bael, Sir Conrado R. Ballecer, Jr. MD
2012 - 2014                   Sir Judge Tom Rodriguez, Sir Edwin Bael, Sir Conrado R. Ballecer, Jr. MD,
                                   Sir Emmanuel Torres
2014 - 2016                   Sir Judge Tom Rodriguez, Sir Edwin Bael, Sir Conrado R. Ballecer,Jr. MD,
                                   Sir Emmanuel Torres, Sir Herminio P. Mendoza, Jr. MD
2016 - 2018                   Sir Judge Tom Rodriguez, Sir Edwin Bael, Sir Conrado R. Ballecer,Jr. MD,
                                   Sir Emmanuel Torres, Sir Herminio P. Mendoza, Jr. MD, Sir Warren Cruz