Programs & Projects
“Whether the sacrifice be big or small; whether men be ungrateful and forgetful;
whether malice be opposed or whether sterile and barren egos mock,
we ought not be dismayed before an insignificant failure nor
go backward at the least obstacle that is discerned in the horizon.
In order that the work of one single individual be crowned with the most brilliant success,
necessary are all the favors of Fortune, all the assistance of happy circumstances,
a prepared ground, a propitious predisposition; otherwise,
the voice is lost in the void, like hopes and efforts.
Let us work then together and, instead of useless lamentations,
of disconsolate complaints, of accusations and excuses,
let us apply the remedy, let us build, no matter if we begin with the simplest,
for later we shall have time to erect new edifices on that foundation.
Step by step one reaches the Temple of Progress whose numerous and fitful steps
are not climbed without having faith and conviction in the soul,
in the heart courage necessary in encountering disillusions,
and the gaze fixed on the future.
Let us do for the generation that must follow us,
which will be either our reward or our reproach,
all that we would like to have been done for us by our ancestors,
though full of generous aspirations.
The road is ours as the present is ours,
and if it is not given to us to reach the end,
we may be sure that by fulfilling our duties,
the future will be ours also – the future of blessings.”
(Rizal - “Town Schools in the Philippines”)
I. Consistent with its non-profit character, under Arizona law and under federal law - per Section 501(c) (3) of the US Internal Revenue Code - AZKOR, Inc. has the following four core programs and their respective component projects:
Charity and Social Services Program
Social Support for Seniors and Veterans Project
Volunteering for Phoenix and Arizona Causes (e.g tree planting, etc)
Responses to Philippine & American Calamities Project
Science and Self-Sufficiency Program
Jose Rizal Outstanding Doctor Award
Science and Technology Promotion Project
Financial Sufficiency Advisory Project
Education and Scholarships Program
Scholarships for Fil-Am Youth in Arizona
For details and application form (Click here)
Press Release (Click here)
Moral Moorings for Education Project
Phoenix Public Library Filipiniana/Rizal Section
Literary, Rizal Essay & Oratorical Contests Program
Rizal Essay Contest
Rizal Oratorical Contest
Award for Rizalian Literature
II. As a chapter of the Knights of Rizal, like other chapters, it pursues year-round activities to put into effect the purposes specified in Republic Act 646, the 2005 Knights of Rizal By-Laws, the Knights of Rizal Manual, and other formulations of objectives/purposes, namely:
RA 646
Section 2. The purposes of this corporation shall be to study the teachings of Dr. Jose Rizal, to inculcate and propagate them in and among all classes of the Filipino people, and by words and deeds to exhort our citizenry to emulate and practice the examples and teachings of our national hero; to promote among the associated knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry; to develop a perfect union among the Filipinos in revering the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal; and to organize and hold programs commemorative of Rizal's nativity and martyrdom.
KOR 2005 By-Laws
Section 1 – The general purposes of the Order shall be:
[a] To study the teachings of Dr. Jose Rizal;
[b] To propagate and inculcate said teachings in the minds of the Filipino people and other citizens of the world and, by word and deed, exhort them to emulate and practice the examples set by Dr. Jose Rizal;
[c] To promote among the Knights of the Order the true spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry;
[d] To develop a perfect union among Filipinos and other citizens of the world in revering the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal; and
[e] To organize and hold programs, activities and annual festivities in honor of Dr. Jose Rizal.
Section 2. The specific objectives of the Order shall be:
[a] To study and spread the ideals, teachings and exemplary life of Dr. Jose Rizal especially among the Youth of the Land;
[b] To organize Chapters in the Philippines or any part of the world, undertake programs which will promote individual commitment to the ideals and teachings of Rizal, and encourage enlightened personal involvement in addressing contemporary issues; and
[c] To train and develop the Youth in character building, citizenship training, democratic leadership, patriotism, universal brotherhood, and dedicated service to God, country and people.
KOR Manual
The purposes or objectives of the Knights of Rizal are as follow:
- To study the teachings of Dr. Jose Rizal;
- To inculcate and propagate them in and among all classes of the Filipino people, and by words and deeds to exhort our citizenry to emulate and practice the example and teachings of our national hero.
- To promote among the associated knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry;
- To develop a perfect union among the Filipinos in revering the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal; and
- To organize and hold programs commemorative of Rizal's nativity and martyrdom.
Other formulations of the objectives of the organization on a national and regional or chapter level in keeping with the teachings and examples of the National hero:
- To study and spread the teachings of Rizal;
- To organize and to hold annual programs in honor of Rizal such as June 19 (birth anniversary) and December 30 commemorating his martyrdom;
- To hold programs, convocations, seminars, training institutes in schools and universities;
- To hold oratorical and essay contests among students and private citizens;
- To organize institutional chapters from the elementary to’ the college level under the auspices of the local chapter;
- To help organize auxiliary units composed of women civic leaders who may function as counterpart organizations of the local chapter;
- To solicit and donate books, writings and- other reading materials by and about -the national hero to libraries and other reading centers;
- To sponsor contest and give awards to outstanding citizens for outstanding achievements in the arts and sciences, the professions, industry, agriculture through the promotion of international understanding.
- To erect, if there be none, ‘a monument, marker or bust of Rizal within the proper vicinity or locality,
- To sponsor literary contests on poetry, essays and characters in Rizal’s novels;
- Within the context, to participate and discuss public issues of Rizal’s philosophy and ideals which will promote unity, freedom and peace with justice; and
- Any other such activity or project which will in one way of another lead to the development and perpetuation of the sublime memory of our national hero